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Autodesk and Intel Corp. are just two of many companies returning to SIGGRAPH in 2014. |
Even though SIGGRAPH 2014 is still a few months away, it is interesting to report that 16% of the current exhibitor list are first timers. In addition, they represent a total of 17 countries thus far with 44% of SIGGRAPH 2014 exhibitors having bases outside of the United States. This accounts for a 14% increase in foreign partners over SIGGRAPH 2013.
"We feel this type of growth is a direct result of rotating SIGGRAPH to newer geographical areas," says Mike Weil, SIGGRAPH Exhibition Director. "We pay very close attention to both our exhibitors and attendees when it comes to a conference venue location. This year is no different. We expect Vancouver to be an even better experience then it was in 2011."
He continues, "We are extremely proud to welcome these companies to SIGGRAPH 2014, especially those who were unable to attend last year or are long-time supporters of the conference."
Following is the list of SIGGRAPH 2014 exhibitors as of May 20th:
- 3D Consortium
- 3dMD
- 3DTotal.com
- Academy of Art University
- Account Name
- Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
- American Express OPEN
- Animation Magazine
- ASC-American Cinematographer
- Aspera, an IBM Company
- Autodesk
- Avere Systems
- Axceleon Inc.
- B&H Photo, Video & Pro Audio
- Beijing Noitom Technology Ltd.
- BenQ America Corp.
- Canfield Scientific, Inc.
- Cap Digital
- Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Center
- cebas Visual Technology Inc.
- Centre for Digital Media
- CG Masters, School of 3D Animation and Visual Effects
- CGAL - The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
- Chaos Group
- Christie Digital Systems
- Clara.io
- Computer Graphics World
- CyberGlove Systems
- DigiPen Institute of Technology
- Dimensional Imaging
- Eizo Inc.
- EnvisionTEC
- Epson America
- Esri
- Faceshift AG
- Facet School of Visual Effects
- FARO Technologies Inc.
- ForgeFX Simulators
- Formlabs Inc.
- FORUM8 Co., Ltd.
- Full Sail University
- FXGear, Inc.
- Gener8 Digital Media
- Government of British Columbia Ministry of International Trade
- IdN magazine
- IDV/SpeedTree
- IEEE Computer Society
- Imagination Technologies
- Imagineer Systems Ltd.
- Imaging Media Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Intel Corporation
- Isotropix
- JourneyEd
- Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)
- Lightrig
- Lightwork Design Ltd.
- LMI Technologies Inc.
- Lost Boys Studios
- Luxion, Inc.
- Motion Analysis Corporation
- MSI Computer
- Next Limit Technologies
- NVIDIA Corporation
- Oculus
- Ontario Canada Delegation
- Open Exhibits
- OptiTrack
- OTOY, Inc.
- Panasas
- Peer 1 Hosting
- PhaseSpace Inc
- PipelineFX, LLC
- Pixar Animation Studios
- PNY Technologies
- Point Grey Research, Inc.
- Prometheus Kaleido Beijing Technology Limited
- ProMexico
- Purdue University
- QUALCOMM Technologies Inc.
- Quebec Film and Television Council
- Reallusion Inc.
- RebusFarm GmbH
- Ringling College of Art and Design
- Savannah College of Art and Design
- Scanline VFX
- Shapeways
- Sheridan College
- Shotgun Software, Inc.
- "SIAT, Simon Fraser University
- School of Interactive Arts and Technology"
- Side Effects Software
- Siliconarts, Inc.
- Simply Computing
- Simplygon
- Sketchfab Inc.
- Smith Micro Software
- Spheron-VR AG
- Stereolabs
- Stratasys 3D Printers & Production Systems
- Supermicro
- Synertial MotionWerx
- Taylor Francis/CRC/ Focal Press
- TechViz
- The Captury GmbH
- The Foundry Visionmongers
- The University of the Arts
- Think Tank Training Centre
- Thinkbox Software Inc.
- Tinkerine Studios
- United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829 IATSE
- Unity Technologies
- VanArts
- Vancouver Animation School
- Vancouver Film School
- Vicon
- Virtual Motion Labs
- Wacom Technology
- Web3D Consortium
- Western Digital
For more information about this year's exhibition, please visit the SIGGRAPH 2014 website.
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