02 April 2013

SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery: A Showcase of Digital and Interactive Advancements

The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the ability to iteratively scale our digital representations at will: in-out-up-down, back and forth, + and -. These core functions enable us to change size and location over time, and at different degrees of resolution.

Recently, the Art committee successfully selected 16 works to showcase this July. The works selected include installations, wall-based, physical/sculptural, and screen-based work. Two camera-based pieces have potential to extend into the wider convention center as well. One of the selections will be featured in Art Papers with a focus on a problem that helps set standards and stimulate future trends in the art industry.

Victoria Szabo, the 2013 Art Gallery Chair. Photo credit: Chris Hildreth
“As SIGGRAPH celebrates its 40th anniversary at the 2013 conference, it’s amazing to the see how the artistic and computer graphics talent has evolved over the years,” says Victoria Szabo, Art Gallery Chair from Duke University. “To celebrate the conference’s anniversary, special acknowledgment was given to work that tied with historical themes, for example the N as a function of time.  We received an incredible range of contributors which most definitely will add high quality work to create a coherent and interesting show. “

Highlighting all forms of electronic and digital media art created in the last two years, the SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery demonstrates pieces that explore an idea, tell a story, or create an experience in a novel and engaging way. Submissions that include multimedia installations; two- and three-dimensional works; and kinetic, mobile, or interactive pieces were the most sought after to accept.

Please join us again over the next few weeks for more details and images of these incredible pieces.


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